ext: 03368686
I just had a call with my friend Tobby. I wrote about him in my last post with his permission of course. Tobby told me that he was very angry with his wife for sucking off a guy right in front of the house. He has her best wishes with the cuckolding and screwing other guys, however he doesn't want her displaying their lifestyle in front of the neighbors. This is totally understandable because they live in a upscale community and Tobby is very active in the church and he volunteers in their community so to have his wife sucking cock was very unfair to Tobby right in front of the house where people could see. She didn't even hide. She could have gotten in the back seat or went somewhere else. So Tobby told her next time to take the young black bull to a hotel. She claim she didn't have money for the hotel because she gave the black bull her last hundred bucks to pay his cell phone bill and to put some gas in his car and to get his weekly haircut. This opened up a can of worms for Tobby. We didn't go into everything but Tobby will call back tonight or 2morrow when his slut wife is out fucking.
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