It's so boring around here this week. Most students are out of town for Spring Break. I didn't want to go and waste money flying to Miami like I did last year. It's so damn dull and quiet around campus and in my complex. No students hanging out, not even the freshmen. Times like this I miss being home in Arizona. Arizona is a lot different from California. I miss being with old friends, family, and old neighbors. As much as I love being on my own in California I get homesick at times. If I was in Arizona I would probably be at the mall, swimming, or at Palazdel cafe. It's an Internet cafe where everyone hangs out about 10 minutes away from my old home. Or I'd be hanging out with some guys or something. There's so much to do in California like drive around Hollywood, go to the Beach, or go to the top of the city at night. But I've done all of that already. I guess that's why I started doing phone sex so that I could have some variety in my life and since I'm a habitual compulsive masturbater it all makes sense.